The provision of Fencing and the Landscaping rebates are conditional upon the buyer/s achieving practical completion of a dwelling in accordance with the Restrictive Covenants and the Design Guidelines.
To assist in the creation of Embark as a distinct community, “Landscaping Guidelines” have been developed to maintain the character of the streetscape.
Landscaping of front gardens in a requirement of the estate as per the Restrictive Covenant and Design Guidelines, and includes the verge area directly abutting the lot. These areas must be maintained to a reasonable standard at all times by the lot owners. All garden areas within public view are to be landscaped within six months of occupation of the dwelling.
The seller will pay the buyer a contribution towards the costs of the landscaping plan. This contribution will be up to the amount specified in Item 3 of the Contract of Sale + GST.
The landscaping, irrigation design and construction to be provided by LD Total will be as follows:
• Initial consultation between the buyer/s and the landscape contractor
• The design, supply and installation of irrigation and “startup” landscaping to the front garden (and side if a corner lot) by the landscape contractor with a contribution towards installation by the developer, and using water wise principles. The landscaping ‘must’ include the landscaping of the street verge, street tree and front garden tree as a minimum (2 trees per dwelling).
The installation will nominally include:
• Design
• Soil Conditioner
• Mulch
• Plants
• Trees
• Fertiliser to garden and lawn
The installation will exclude the following:
• Earthworks
• Power point for irrigation controller
• Pre-lay or irrigation pipe beneath driveway
• Maintenance
• Warranty other than suppliers’ warranties and guarantees
The buyer may undertake front landscaping works themselves, or engage an independent landscape contractor to complete the works. Subject to the Buyer completing front landscaping works meeting the minimum requirement as specified below and in the ‘Fencing and Landscaping’ form, the Seller will provide a contribution towards the following (Front Garden Landscaping):
• Roll on turf to the front and verge area forward of the building set back line (minimum 50% turf area to total landscape area) including sustainable plants and shrubs, water saving mulch as selected by the Seller’s nominated landscaping contractor
• One tree is to be planted within the Property boundary. This tree is in addition to that the street tree and mulching of verge.
• An irrigation system limited to servicing the area forward of the building set back line. The irrigation system should consist of fixed below-ground pipe work, 90mm PVC conduit pipe under each driveway, and a multi station controller fixed to the outside wall of the house.
• Artificial turf in the front yard is prohibited.
Any additional fencing or landscaping work, which may be required, will be at the sole cost of the buyer/s and must be in accordance with the Guidelines. Any arrangements between the seller’s landscape contractor and the buyer/s will be a matter solely between those parties and will not be an arrangement or agreement to which the seller is a party.
The Landscaping Contribution is provided by the Seller subject to and conditional upon the Buyer:
• completing construction of the Buyer’s Residence on the Property within eighteen (18) months of the Settlement Date and in full compliance with the Design Guidelines;
• completion of Front Landscaping to the minimum requirements specified;
• Front Verge mulched or landscaped;
• Street tree installed;
• Photographic evidence and site confirmation of works having been completed to developers requirements; and
• Completing and providing to the Seller the Front Garden Landscaping application form.
• Upon completion of landscaping works and acknowledgment of minimum standards being met by the Seller, an EFT will be arranged to the buyer for the amount specified in Item 3 of the Contract.
Street Tree
The tree to be planted to the verge area is a mandatory requirement imposed by the Local Authority, and it cannot be removed, interfered with or damaged and remains the property of the Local Authority at all times;
To Claim Your Landscaping/Fencing Bonus you must ensure you have complied with all applicable requirements in the Sales Contract, including the following:
Complete all sections of this form 8 weeks prior to completion of your new home.
Builder Partner Brochure
Printable Fencing & Landscaping Flyer & Rebate Form
Civil Plans
Yolk Property Group has delivered multiple award-winning developments in WA and is considered a global leader in setting up community sustainability initiatives. Their leading approach to innovation and sustainability continues to deliver greener, more affordable land estates in Western Australia and Victoria.